The UniCel DXI Analyzer immunoassay system allows laboratories to decrease process steps and improve turnaround time – with astounding ease of use. It also uses the same reagents as other systems in the Access family, so your laboratory can deliver equivalent patient results, no matter which Beckman Coulter immunoassay system performs the test.

- The system performs 100 tests per hour.
- The system is True Continuous Random Access that is any assay or combination of assays can be run on the system at same time.
- Access-2 has flexibility to run even a single test without any wastage of reagent or consumables.
- Access-2 has ability to be integrated with the Chemistry Analyzer and Lab Automation Instruments.
- Access-2 can accommodate 60 samples at a time.
- Automated Operation, No manual loading of sample cup holder and test units etc.
- Access-2 has continuous loading platform giving the flexibility to continuously add samples without disturbing the routine run or putting the system into PAUSE mode.
- Primary Tube sampling with Bar Code or without Bar Code can be run on the system. No need to purchase sample cups.
- Automatic Obstruction Detection (Clot Detection) in each sample to ensure every sample is clear.
- 24 Reagents on-board in a refrigerated compartment.
- The reagent vial cap closes and opens automatically, no reagent evaporation issues.
- Access-2 continuously monitors the on-board reagents inventory.
- All reagent information is Bar-coded and is scanned into the system quickly easily.
- Access-2 allows STAT sample input at any time. When a STAT assay is added, the instrument automatically reschedules other samples in a run to process the STAT sample first.
- References: 52 Units Installed in various Government and Private Laboratories all over Pakistan.