Today’s high-volume clinical laboratories need to find new ways to increase efficiency and productivity, while dealing with challenges, such as budget constraints, staffing shortages and diverse testing requirements.Beckman Coulter Chemiluminescent immunoassay systems allow laboratories to decrease process steps and improve turnaround time – with astounding ease of use. All Immunoassay systems offered by Beckman Coulter use the same format of reagents, so your laboratory can deliver equivalent patient results, no matter which Beckman Coulter immunoassay system performs the test. All Beckman Immunoassay Systems and Reagents are FDA Approved and CE-Marked.

Access 2
With an intuitive operator interface, enhanced sample handling and innovative menu, the state-of-the-art Access-2 system delivers new levels of laboratory efficiency

DXI 600
The UniCel DxI Analyzer immunoassay system allows laboratories to decrease process steps and improve turnaround time – with astounding ease of use.